Circle in the Sky

by Lenore Locken
Circle in the Sky
Lenore Locken
Photograph - Photography
You know that scene near the end of the Chevy Chase movie, Vacation, where the family finally gets to Wally World only to discover that it was closed? We had our own Wally World moment when we arrived at the Central Florida fair only to learn we had our dates and times wrong and it was completely shuttered that day. Not a total loss: it made for a good albeit limited photo opportunity and a fun memory too.
Thank you for your interest in my photography and fine art imagery. I have several themed galleries and as you browse through them, I hope you can find the perfect image for your home or office, or perhaps a gift for someone special.
As always, I appreciate your comments and support. Please consider using social media to share links to your favourite photos of mine; social media exposure is greatly appreciated.
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(Please note that the watermark you see on all my imagery is online-only and will not be on your order.)
July 26th, 2019
Comments (5)

Jeff Iverson
Congratulations your wonderful work is now featured on What's New! Please add your work to our Discussion archive for features.

Lenore Locken
Big thanks to the Southern Pride Photography group for featuring this photograph -- much appreciated!